

Our customers are all ambitious parties who, when they do something, want to do it well. Boozyshop is no exception. Many companies still have a separate team working on email marketing. Thanks to Reloadify, this is no longer necessary. Using Reloadify, all Boozyshop employees work on the company's email marketing. As a result, a small team is already emailing very efficiently. In this story you can read more about Boozyshop and find out what the big advantage of Reloadify is.


OAt the bottom of Zeeland, almost against the Flemish border, is an e-commerce company you can definitely say "yes" to. Joëlla van Puijvelde is online marketer at Boozyshop, a company that specializes in makeup and skincare. Beautiful products, affordable prices and brands that you don't or hardly find in Dutch stores, merge into one webshop: that's their mission.

But, if you are growing and expanding and like to inform your customer base daily about interesting products, it is necessary to get your e-mail marketing right. "When we came in contact with Reloadify's team, the choice was actually made immediately," says Joëlla. "The click was there right away. It is a very professional team that, despite the many clients, always remains personal and approachable. That's exactly what you want."

"We only have to write the texts, format the e-mails and finally mail the e-mail to the right customer group. That convenience, that's what we were looking for!"

Convenience benefits man

Reloadify has been working overtime at Boozyshop in recent years. "We send out several emails every day," Joëlla explains. "We do this because we receive new, special products every day and want to inform our customers about them immediately. Because Reloadify's software is so easy to use, we can do just that." If Boozyshop receives new products in the morning, Joëlla and her colleagues can email customers about them just an hour later.

In Reloadify, you control your e-mail marketing from start to finish. "We only have to write the texts, format the emails and finally mail the email to the right customer group. That convenience, that's what we were looking for," said Joëlla. "Reloadify is set up so that everyone in your company can work with it. With the drag-and-drop feature, you can easily compose your email. You write your text in one block, place your image in another block and finally add a call to action. Finally, you drag these blocks to the right place and merge them into one email. Composing and formatting an email has never been easier."

"Thanks to Reloadify, we can make our emails very personal and customize them to our client's needs and preferences. Our clients experience the contact as one-on-one because of this. This close relationship with our clients is very important to us. Reloadify supports us in that."


Data, data and even more data

In Reloadify, you get real-time insight into the data coming from your webshop. For example, Boozyshop customers are automatically grouped according to the products and brands they buy. As an email marketer, you can then email those groups segmented; by age group, location, purchase history or based on personal preferences. This is not only useful to send very relevant mails, vice versa it also gives you a much better picture of who your customers are.

"Because everything in the software fits together, from the incoming data to sending our newsletters, you work incredibly efficiently and easily. Since working with Reloadify, we have been assured of email marketing that is done to perfection."

In addition to having insight into their data and fast email delivery for new products, Boozyshop also uses Reloadify to automatically send emails through triggers. "We have automatic triggers set up on many skincare products. If customers buy a cream, they receive an email with an 'alert' an x number of months later that the cream may be running low. We also tip our customers on brands that they might also find interesting and give advice on, for example, maintaining newly purchased makeup brushes. All this is done via email. Because we send mails that match the different preferences of our target group, but also automatically send advice and recommendation mails, we pamper our customers daily with extra information and good deals."

Service beyond borders

Boozyshop customers receive very personal and relevant emails every week. Whether that's annoying? "No, we actually never hear from our customers that we mail them too much. In fact, our customers are waiting for our emails. Thanks to Reloadify we can make our e-mails very personal and adjust them to the wishes and preferences of our client. So we never mail a client with unnecessary and uninteresting information. Perhaps more importantly, our clients experience the contact as one-on-one. This close relationship with our clients is very important to us. Reloadify supports us in that," said Joëlla.

The beauty and skincare company is not only successful in the Netherlands, it is also doing very well abroad. Because Reloadify is available in several languages, Joëlla and colleagues can also provide their clients in Germany, France and Belgium with the latest trends on a daily basis. "In that too, Reloadify relieves us. Because the program is so easy to use, we can send dozens of emails very quickly, efficiently and easily with a small team."

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