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Customer Data Platform

Segment based on purchasing behavior, surfing behavior and interaction with all your marketing automation. Create personal content that makes your customers happy.

Customer Data Platform

Create 360 degrees customer profiles

See the purchase history, personal data and marketing automation activities for each unique customer. Increase your turnover by tailoring your contact to your customer's needs.

  • Real-time synchronization
  • Extensive segmentation options
  • Clear data
Create *360 degrees* customer profiles

The best solutions. Discover how to use CDP

Discover how to use a CDP

From one-time customers to returning fans

Establish long-term customer relationships with thousands of customers at once. Turn one-off customers into loyal ones thanks to personalized contact moments. Turn your customers into real fans.

Enrich customer profiles

Take personal communication to a higher level. Enrich customer profiles with your own data. What is your customer's favorite color, their pet's name or favorite brand? Use all this information in your marketing automation.

  • Profile enrichment via landing pages & pop-ups
  • Unlimited profile enrichment
  • Get to know your target group
Enrich customer profiles

Set up campaigns directly in our CDXP

In Reloadify, various marketing channels and all their data come together in one platform. Set up automations for different channels. Analyze customers and automations in your own dashboard. Enjoy OmniChannel campaigns in our Customer Data Experience Platform.

  • Use all your data directly in campaigns
  • Collect data from campaigns in one dashboard
Zet direct campagnes op in ons CDXP

Ready to reach your clients?

Get started

Try Reloadify 14 days for free

  • Try all functions for 14 days
  • Integrate your webshop
  • No credit card required
Get started
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Plan a demo

Want to meet? Schedule a non-binding demo with Jos and get to know our platform. Discover together if we are a match.

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